.NET News

Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) - an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications
Dapr is a portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, microservice stateless and stateful applications that run on the cloud and embraces the diversity of languages and developer frameworks.
Angular and ASP.NET Core 3 deep dive tutorial
Visual Studio provides templates for Angular application however, there are limitations running angular application with ASP.NET as the host
Introducing SQL Server 2019 (Video)
SQL Server 2019 is the latest version of the versatile and venerable SQL Server. This latest version continues to redefine SQL Server from a traditional relational database system to a data platform for every data scenario from OLTP to DW to now big data and analytics.
.NET Architecture Guides
Free application architecture guides to build enterprise scale production-ready .NET apps
Tailwind Traders - .NET reference application built with best-in-class tools, technologies like ASP.NET, React, .NET Core, WPF and Xamarin
Learn from .NET reference enterprise applications built with best practices, tools and patterns. Tailwind Traderes is a fictitious retail company showcasing the future of intelligent application experiences. These reference apps are all are powered by the Azure Cloud
ASP.Net Core Secrets management using Azure Key Vault Tutorial
Current trend is to manage application configuration and secrets in cloud. Azure Key Vault provider, a cloud based service which aptly suited to maintain and load .Net Core application secrets
Configuration and AppSettings definition in ASP.NET Core
.Net Core provided a completely new way to define application configuration values. It supports multiple configuration providers and sources like Key Vault, JSON files, environment variables, XML or any custom data source
.Net Core libraries for IoT development
.Net Core provides implementation libraries for various IoT devices and scenarios. These libraries provide support for various boards like Raspberry Pi and Hummingboard.
IoT development with .Net Core 3.0
Internet of Things (IoT) is slowly ubiquitous topic where billions of smaller devices are connected to the internet collecting and sharing all kinds of data like sensor data
Visual Studio Code tips and tricks
Visual Studio Code is a wonderful general purpose IDE with loads of extensions. VS Code tips and tricks goes a long way in improving developer productivity